Nov 25, 2022

As the temperature climbs on a bright, sunny Georgia day, you reach for your AC dial. Your car AC not working can rapidly change a pleasant drive into a sauna. It doesn’t have to be this way. Your Ford dealer in Nashville, GA, can fix that AC problem for you. These are a few signs that your AC could be in trouble.=

AC Isn’t Cooling

You depend on your AC for that refreshing cold air on a hot day. If you’re only getting warm or slightly cool air, there’s a problem with your AC. This problem could be mechanical or electrical issues or a lack of refrigerant. Refrigerant is the gas that chills the air in your AC. A lack of refrigerant in the system can only be caused by a leak.

You might have a blocked or damaged compressor, which prevents the refrigerant from cooling the air. Finally, the control circuit for the AC or its wiring could be worn or damaged. Our technicians are experts at AC diagnosis and repair. They’ll check all the possible issues, and once the problem is found, they’ll fix it for you.

No Air From the AC

If air isn’t blowing through your vents into the cabin, the problem could be a blockage in the AC system or mechanical failure. Your car takes in air through a vent underneath the windshield, and this air is then chilled by the AC. Dirt, leaves, and other debris can also enter the AC system through this vent. Over time, this debris can block the external vent or the AC ducts and prevent air from moving.

The problem could also be due to a failed blower motor. Once the air is cold, it’s the job of the blower motor to push this air into your cabin. The motor could be damaged or could have an electrical fault, like damaged wiring. Whatever the cause, a blower motor that’s not working stops airflow into your car. We’ll investigate and repair the problem. You’ll have cold air in the cabin again in no time.

Refrigerant Leaking

Refrigerant is the gas that chills the air blowing from your AC. This gas moves through your AC system and changes from gas to liquid and back to gas during the cooling process. If you feel the air from your AC is gradually becoming warmer, you could have a refrigerant leak.

Our technicians will test for a leak by inserting a UV dye into the AC system. They’ll observe its progress through the system with a special UV monitor. If a leak is detected, we’ll repair it, and your AC will chill the air again.

If you have any AC problem, call us right away at Nashville Ford.